November 23, 2020


1. Remember that you are NOT the client. The client is the company into which you’re trying to get placed. The recruiter works for that company, not for you. 

2. Actually meet with the recruiter. In today’s climate, that means a Zoom meeting, but the important part is to meet. Recruiters are better able to advocate for you if they’ve met you, rather than just having spoken over email. 

3. Prepare for this meeting the way you would a job interview. What are your selling points? What stories do you want to communicate to the recruiter? What questions do you have? What do you hope to gain from this meeting? 

4. Sell the recruiter on yourself. It makes the recruiter’s job a lot easier if you’re able to clearly identify your strengths for the employer subset to which you’re applying. Otherwise, they have to parse through your materials and figure out those selling points on their own. Wouldn’t you rather have control over your own messaging? 

5. Follow up. Stay in touch regularly to keep them posted on your search, learn of new opportunities, and stay on their radar so that you’re first in mind when an opportunity arises.Type your paragraph here.